HomeBusiness updateTrump seizes Greenland for uranium and rare metals!

Trump seizes Greenland for uranium and rare metals!


What if Donald Trump seized Greenland for its uranium and rare metals?

Does Greenland’s underground, where lead, zinc, nickel, platinum, gold and rare metals abound, spark Donald Trump’s desire? The question arises when the new American president declared his desire to annex this autonomous territory of Denmark, including “by force”.
“Greenland is an incredible place, and its people, if and when they become part of our nation, will benefit enormously from it,” Donald Trump wrote on Jan. 6 on his Truth Social social network. Before adding in all caps “MAKE GREENLAND GREAT AAIN!” “. And to restore the “greatness” of this territory, Trump has a project. He simply intends to annex it, in the same way as the Panama Canal. Even if it means resorting to “force”, he announced the second day at a press conference.

Greenland, the largest island in the world, is an autonomous territory under Danish sovereignty since 1814. Which does not seem to appease Donald Trump, who had already expressed his intention to acquire it a few years ago. In 2019, as the 45th US president, he considered buying Greenland. And not for tourism … In fact, he is not the only one who dreams of it: for years, mining companies have been looking at its basement, which is full of iron, lead, zinc, etc. gold, nickel, platinum and rarely. essential metals for the production of electric batteries and wind turbines.



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